The splash of brilliant yellow daffodils lining our front walkway delight us each year whether they appear early or late. Most of the month of February was brightened by these harbingers of spring and they are still lovely into March this year. Mind you, the rest of the yard is still a muddy mess since rains came during and after replacement of the sewer line the last week of 2007. If we can be patient and work hard we know we will get the lawn back little by little. Seasonal changes are one of the ways God speaks profusely to us about His wonderful character. We find that transitions in ministry continue to present changes for all of us in Faculty Commons and for the Campus Student Ministry. The transition is designed to make us all more effective in reaching the entire campus for Christ, faculty and students. Recently we had a personal conversation with Jay and Laurie who are helping bring about the necessary changes. It was helpful to learn what we are expected to do during the interval between present conditions and the expected formation of integrated teams in every location where we can minister. Thankfully the planned trip to Venezuela is approved for May 13-18. So we continue to work hard, be patient, and little by little expect results.
Those going are a Faculty Commons colleague, two Christian professors, a PhD student who plans to become a professor, and both of us. We continue to brush up our Spanish language usage, and communicate with the staff in Venezuela about the details of the trip. One comment made referring to the unstable political situation in that country brought a thrill to our hearts when Keith, the CCC Venezuela Director, wrote:
P.S. I’ve been in Venezuela since July ’02. The news from Venezuela is always interesting and the events economically and politically keep us looking up. BUT the harvest is so incredibly ripe here that it is impossible not to get hit on the head with the fruit falling off the trees. We have a church youth group here this week and they are IN the schools doing dramas and sharing their faith in Christ… invited to come.
When the harvest is ripe, we can trust God to go before and prepare the way for our part in it. We are grateful for those who pray for us and with us about professors in Latin America, as well as those here in our own country, who want to be part of gathering the harvest.
We need $2,725 dollars for airfare, the hotel room in the city of Maracaibo, and for our meals and ministry expenses for this trip (includes helping to pay translators, their travel and meals, and a meal event for a group of professors). Of the total amount $1,825. is already charged to the Int’l Account and due by April 10. This is a faith-challenge, since we do not have it in our regular funds. We are moving ahead trusting that God will supply this.
Should you wish to contribute to these expenses, make checks payable to CCC, PO Box 628222, Orlando, FL 32862-9841 or online, noting that your gift is for CLM Int’l Acct #1995901. Using this account number designates it for our use for this trip.
Expectantly trusting God,
Jim & Anne