Seminary Update:
First of all I want to let you know that with GOD’s help I passed all the exams for the first semester. Our Lord is so gracious that He gave me the strength to pass the exams. Praise the Lord! During the winter break, I took a class in Intro to Homiletics (to make the time useful). The second semester will start on January the 22nd. I will use this time for Intermediate Greek 1 and Hebrew 1, Logic, and N.T. Introduction. I pray that the Lord will give me the understanding and knowledge to pass these classes as well. I’m also looking forward to have an internship. Wherever GOD wants me to be, I will be His servant with all the passion of my heart.
Family Update:
It is wonderful to see how Naomi and Noel are growing spiritually and physically. We praise the LORD that both can enjoy the GCA School where they are taught according to GOD’s Word. Naomi is still learning piano with Lucy Ann Adams for the purpose of our musical part back in Austria. She started to play hymns like ”Immortal, Invisible,“ “Holy, Holy, Holy“ and also the ”Doxology.“ We just love to hear her play. We still keep speaking German to our kids at home, so they won’t forget their native language.
Plans for the summer:
Every day we are focusing on the vision that GOD gave us: to bring the Gospel back to Europe and especially to the Muslims. Our plan is to go back to Austria during the summer break to start our ministry step by step.
There are three major reasons:
1) Naomi and Noel should not forget our culture and our language. We also want to visit our brothers and sisters in Christ in Germany, the church which Dr. Klautke is pastoring. This church is the only one in Germany which we know of, where GOD’s Word is properly proclaimed.
2) After the visit from Beate’s parents, we can rejoice. Her father read the book “How should we then live?” by Francis A. Schaeffer which we had in German. We are serious about keeping on witnessing and answering all his questions. He invited us to stay with them during the summer. What a great opportunity to witness to her parents (still Jehovah’s Witnesses).
3) Also my younger sister, Hale, who is still a Muslim, gave birth to a downsyndrome baby in Nov. 2005. After the birth of Selina, she fell into deep depression and she questioned, why GOD would give her a baby like her. Especially she needs to be comforted by God’s Word and counseled. This is a great opportunity GOD is giving us to use our counseling training from RBCTI.
Please pray that GOD will make it possible for us to go back during the summer for our first missions trip. We are praying for cheap tickets. Helpful information about cheap tickets are more than appreciated.
Blessings from the Lord:
“Be still and know, that I am your GOD”. We praise our Heavenly Father, creator of heaven and earth, for all the blessings we have received. He supplied all our needs in the year 2007. Also we can rejoice and proclaim that we only need 27 more families or churches to support this ministry.
My family and I are 100% financially accountable and have a budget which is managed by Pastor Dan Dodds from Woodruff Road Presbyterian Church. All our financial transactions are available for review by any supporter. Please send any correspondence or financial support (tax deductible) to the following address:
Woodruff Road Presbyterian Church (for Cik Family or German Reformation Project)
2519 Woodruff Road
Simpsonville, SC, 29681
Your servant in Christ,
Goeksan Cik