Monday, January 28, 2008

Upsate from the Mackeys

Dear Family & Friends,

With the new year we have decided to have a new name for our newsletters: "Mackey Moments" will bring you the latest of what God is doing in our lives throughout the next year.
The new year also brings with it many changes in our lives. As you all know we have been planing to leave for Brazil this January and we have had visa problems. We just received word that we are going to have to get some new documents and re-apply for our visas. The Brazilian government has made some changes in what they are looking for in a visa application. We are going to receive new documents from New Tribes leadership, and we've been told that even if all goes well with our re-application, we will still not be able to leave for at least 2-3 months.
With this in mind, we sense the Lords leading to serve at the New Tribes Missionary Training Center in Missouri until we obtain our visas. There are positions that we can assist in right now to still be a part of reaching people with the Gospel. Ginger may help in child care so that students can attend classes, and Christopher will help in the Tech Center, fabricating and building solar panel systems to send to missionaries on the field.

Thank you for all of your prayers and support through all of this. We could not do it without you. We are currently at 55% of the recommended support level. We are blessed by this percentage, and we would also love for it to grow!
In His Grip
Christopher & Ginger Mackey
To partner financially go to:
More information on:

Update from the Mays

Dear praying friends,

Thank you for praying for our dinner with the gospel choir women. There were several that had to cancel at the last minute because of colds or work. We ended up with only four of the women coming, but it was a more intimate and personal time. We were able to give the ladies a good book which has testimonies of well-known people that they might connect with, along with an introduction to the Christian life. I told them that we are singing Gospel songs, but in order to understand what we are singing about, reading the book would tell them what the Gospel is about. We are praying that they will actually read "Power for Living", and that we can continue to nurture our relationships with them.

Gerald's Integrative Theology class has gotten off to a good start. He puts in a good bit of time in preparation, as it is his first time to teach it, but he finds it rewarding with the good response from the five students. Pray that the study will impact their personal walk and prepare them for ministry.

Yesterday Gerald preached for the first time at Shakuji Baptist Church, where he also introduced the church people to Family Forum. He was able to talk a bit about family issues in Japan and found the folks very interested and appreciative of a ministry seeking to impact the nation through the families. Three ladies became supporting members on the spot! Please also continue to pray for him as he speaks at several other churches each month, providing pulpit supply in small congregations without a pastor or where their pastor just needs a bit of a break.

God keeps bringing women into my life through unexpected ways. A friend of a friend sent me information about a 23-year-old woman, Yumi, who just returned recently from the States. She graduated in art at a college in New York. I met with her for lunch on Saturday and spent 3 hours getting acquainted. God has sent different Christians into her life while she was in the States and is open to spiritual things. Please pray that Yumi will have a deep desire to know the Lord and will start attending church or a Bible study that I have introduced to her.

Could you also pray for one of our TEAM missionary kids who is very sick? Kevin Bridgman, a junior in high school here at Christian Academy has been in the hospital for five days now, but the doctors seem baffled about his condition. He has terrible mouth sores, even in his throat, and is unable to eat, drink or talk. He is running a high fever as well. We took care of him for two days last week, and then realized he needed to be admitted to the hospital. His dad is coming up today to be with him. Please pray that they can diagnose Kevin and that he can get relief from this awful pain.

Thank you for lifting up all these requests. Your prayers are making a difference!

Debbie (& Gerald) May

Update from the Wengers

Between Christmas and New Year’s Day we roughed it as we did when we traveled in Central America in our early days of ministry. A blockage developed in our sewer line that the plumbers were unable to clear until city workers came 3 days later and worked on their part of the line. Their breaking a water line in the process meant that for some hours we were without water or sewer. We were able to endure calmly and felt extremely thankful for these services once all was restored. Now our front yard is a muddy mess and needs extensive landscaping in the spring.

It reminds us that our desire to minister to professors in Latin America has seemed to have a blockage that had to be cleared. In answer to prayer our communication with CCC campus leaders in Venezuela brought an invitation to go there in mid-May.

At this time we have a professor who is able to go with us. Because of continued transitions in the ministry we are not certain this will materialize, but please pray with us for the best outcome in God’s time. There are fifty+ professors in Maracaibo who are looking for some help in uniting to find a way to minister as believers in their influential positions in the universities of that city.

Locally we have input for dinners for international students where Christian professors speak on subjects of interest, while also sharing their faith testimony. This powerfully impacts those who have been taught that faith and intelligence are contradictory.

Jim & Anne

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

More on the Mackey's Visa

Hello All

Here is a note we received concerning the status of our visas:

Dear Mackeys and Nuñezes
Dra. Gilda went to the Itamarati again today. I just called her a few minutes ago at her home. Unfortunately the person she needed to talk to was not there (the conselheiro) but she hopes he will be in tomorrow and will be going back there again. She asked me to contact MNTB HQ in Anapolis asking for updated copies of the mission´s status as a non-profit religious organization. I got on the phone and talked to the people who do this at the mission and Lord willing they will be sending Dra. Gilda the papers she wants to have in hand when she goes again tomorrow. Keep praying. God needs to bring the conselheiro into work tomorrow. She said it is very difficult to do work there in Brasilia as so many people are "on leave" (de recesso) because of the upcoming Carnaval (Mardi Gras) holidays.

I checked today ... GOD IS STILL ON THE THRONE!

In Christ,
John Pierce Jr.

Please continue to pray! Time is getting short!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Prayer Request from the Mackey's

Dear Family & Friends,

Please PRAY for Dr. Gilda (a Brazilian lawyer) this Monday 1.21.08. She is an elderly woman who works with another mission organization and is helping us out with our visas in her extra time. She is wanting to go Monday for a second meeting with the authority who has control over granting our visas. She has tried to go for the past two weeks, but has been hindered, due to various reasons. PRAY that she will be able to go and meet with this person and will not be hindered any further.

God Bless you as you partner with us in prayer.

Christopher & Ginger Mackey + little "lima bean"

Saturday, January 19, 2008

January Update from the Cik's


January 2008

Seminary Update:
First of all I want to let you know that with GOD’s help I passed all the exams for the first semester. Our Lord is so gracious that He gave me the strength to pass the exams. Praise the Lord! During the winter break, I took a class in Intro to Homiletics (to make the time useful). The second semester will start on January the 22nd. I will use this time for Intermediate Greek 1 and Hebrew 1, Logic, and N.T. Introduction. I pray that the Lord will give me the understanding and knowledge to pass these classes as well. I’m also looking forward to have an internship. Wherever GOD wants me to be, I will be His servant with all the passion of my heart.

Family Update:
It is wonderful to see how Naomi and Noel are growing spiritually and physically. We praise the LORD that both can enjoy the GCA School where they are taught according to GOD’s Word. Naomi is still learning piano with Lucy Ann Adams for the purpose of our musical part back in Austria. She started to play hymns like ”Immortal, Invisible,“ “Holy, Holy, Holy“ and also the ”Doxology.“ We just love to hear her play. We still keep speaking German to our kids at home, so they won’t forget their native language.

Plans for the summer:
Every day we are focusing on the vision that GOD gave us: to bring the Gospel back to Europe and especially to the Muslims. Our plan is to go back to Austria during the summer break to start our ministry step by step.

There are three major reasons:

1) Naomi and Noel should not forget our culture and our language. We also want to visit our brothers and sisters in Christ in Germany, the church which Dr. Klautke is pastoring. This church is the only one in Germany which we know of, where GOD’s Word is properly proclaimed.

2) After the visit from Beate’s parents, we can rejoice. Her father read the book “How should we then live?” by Francis A. Schaeffer which we had in German. We are serious about keeping on witnessing and answering all his questions. He invited us to stay with them during the summer. What a great opportunity to witness to her parents (still Jehovah’s Witnesses).

3) Also my younger sister, Hale, who is still a Muslim, gave birth to a downsyndrome baby in Nov. 2005. After the birth of Selina, she fell into deep depression and she questioned, why GOD would give her a baby like her. Especially she needs to be comforted by God’s Word and counseled. This is a great opportunity GOD is giving us to use our counseling training from RBCTI.

Please pray that GOD will make it possible for us to go back during the summer for our first missions trip. We are praying for cheap tickets. Helpful information about cheap tickets are more than appreciated.

Blessings from the Lord:
“Be still and know, that I am your GOD”. We praise our Heavenly Father, creator of heaven and earth, for all the blessings we have received. He supplied all our needs in the year 2007. Also we can rejoice and proclaim that we only need 27 more families or churches to support this ministry.

My family and I are 100% financially accountable and have a budget which is managed by Pastor Dan Dodds from Woodruff Road Presbyterian Church. All our financial transactions are available for review by any supporter. Please send any correspondence or financial support (tax deductible) to the following address:
Woodruff Road Presbyterian Church (for Cik Family or German Reformation Project)
2519 Woodruff Road

, SC, 29681

Your servant in Christ,
Goeksan Cik

More on the Mackey's Visa

The best thing we can tell you about our visas is that it’s STILL “hurry up and wait.” We’ve been blessed to recently receive much more information on our visa process, so that gives us a better perspective on what’s going on in Brazil. However, there’s nothing yet to share, since there are still no definite answers. Hopefully we’ll be able to give you some type of new information sometime next week (Jan. 21-25).

Going through the pain of not knowing whether or not we’re going to pick up tomorrow and fly down to Brazil, or we’re going to be waiting for 3 or 4 more months, has been challenging. We have spent much time in prayer and conversation over what to think about our time of uncertainty. We figure that there will probably be more times like this in our lives. The main thing we’ve struggled with is not just the thought of not being able to go to Brazil when we want to, but not knowing ANY time schedule. If we need to wait a few more months, we’ve wanted to have some type of idea. If we’re going to be leaving in 2 weeks, we’ve wanted to have a clue about that. It’s just out of our hands (it’s always been in God’s hands anyway). For North Americans, this is a bit of a challenge (we want everything on our time and as we’ve planned it) - but we have to keep in mind that we’re moving to SOUTH America (a different pace of doing things).

Yes, our pace of life will be changing soon - not to mention by becoming parents! By our first furlough (4 years from now), we’ll be very different people - hopefully for the good, and transformed more into God’s image.

Chris and Ginger's Website

Thursday, January 17, 2008

About Jim and Anne Wenger

Jim and Anne Wenger serve as Latin America Liaisons for Faculty Commons part of the global faculty network of Campus Crusade for Christ International. They also serve as Prayer Coordinators for the ministry. For 30 years Jim was engaged in Christian higher education, as missionaries in Latin America and also in the U.S. His most recent positions were on the faculty of Columbia International University for two decades, as Dean of the Extension Division and Director of the Department of InterCultural Studies. As Professor of InterCultural Studies he taught missions courses including World Religions. When in Mexico he was Academic Dean and Professor of New Testament at the Mexico Biblical Seminary in Puebla, Mexico. Prior to that the Wengers lived in Costa Rica for four years, where they attended language school and worked with local churches in Christian education and camping ministry.

Both Jim and Anne grew up in families and churches that encouraged them to participate actively in fulfilling the Great Commission cross-culturally. At this point in life they are grateful to have been able to go, give, and pray for God’s great missionary purpose.

The Wengers live in Columbia, SC, and have four adult children, one daughter and three married sons, as well as seven grandchildren.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

January 08 Update from the May's

Thank you for your prayers for our family during the Christmas Season. We had some unusual ministry opportunities! One chance was to minister with our kids at the Ladies Gym Christmas Party, and another was up in the mountains at Megumi Chalet where we passed out hundreds of tracts to people who came to see the beautiful Christmas lights and listen to the Singing Christmas Tree. We were able to have some significant conversations with people, as they were curious about Christmas and its meaning.

On Wednesday, January 16th, we will be having the ladies from the Gospel Choir in for supper, our first time to have them in our home. The group of 8 ladies are all members of the ladies' gym where I work out. We meet at the gym for gospel choir once or twice a month. We'd appreciate prayer for our conversation and testimony as we have supper together. At our big concert on December 15th, they became more open and now we are looking forward to sharing with them what Jesus means to us.

We enjoyed some great family time with Aaron and Alecia home from college. Being Aaron's last time before the big wedding in June, we treasured this time as a foursome. And we were able to be a part of the wedding plans, gathering childhood pictures for the power point. Gerald has been asked to speak during the ceremony and Amanda's dad will officiate. He is the senior pastor of a big church in Singapore where the wedding will be held.

Gerald taught his first class in Integrative Theology to five young adults last Thursday. It was a challenge because it was in Japanese, but a great blessing. Pray for him as he will be teaching for the next seven weeks. We pray that the class will really impact these young people in their personal walk with the Lord, and in their equipping for ministry.

Things are back in full swing again and we are excited about what God has in store for us in this new year.

Thank you again for praying,

Debbie (& Gerald) May


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Some Statistics from West Brazil

This map shows the tribes New Tribes Mission works with in the whole country of Brazil. The below statistics, however, are just for West Brazil, where we plan to work.


Number of missionaries on the West Brazil field: 195

Work with: 23 tribal groups

Churches: 78

Pastors: 96

Need at least 20 couples to help to support existing works.

New works to be opened: 5

Number of tribes in Brazil: 257

Just a handful have not already been contacted.

60% of the tribes are in the northern part of Brazil.

50% of the tribes have no missionaries working with them.

Tribal names that the mission works with:







Friday, January 11, 2008

Some Good News from the Mackey's!

Many have not been able to watch our video, therefore we would like to tell you about a free version of "Quick Time player". We will be using the quick time player on our website now and in the future. We would love for you all to view the info that we have, so click on this link and follow the instructions
By the way our big news is... WERE EXPECTING!!!!!!!!
We just had the first ultrasound today! All is well (8 weeks, and 1/2 an inch)
P.S. We would love to have this baby delivered in Brazil!!!!
Christopher & Ginger

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Joel Colon Update Jan 08


Our Mission is to mobilize existing church structures and to assist the church in discipling the nations by initiating and facilitating church planting movements.

Our Goal is to see every nation filled with living communities (local churches) of God's people who have accepted their responsibility of creating multiple opportunities for every man, woman and child in that nation to be reconciled to God.

Our Primary Strategy is to identify, train, resource, and release apostolic/facilitation teams in each country of the world which are mutually accountable with us to the purpose. As described through the eyes of one of our participating church pastors, it is:

  1. To repurpose the local church around the mission mandate.
  2. To re-tool local leaders and to become facilitative and equipping (as opposed to "doing").
  3. To release and empower church members to use their gifts in the context of the mission.
  4. To reach every man, woman and child with the gospel, and integrate them into repurposed churches.
Joel's Blog: Joel Colon

RUF Update Jan 08

RUF is about a vibrant faith in God that impacts every area of your life.

God is concerned about every area of our lives, and a life of faith is lived bringing Jesus Christ into each of those areas. The gospel is not just about warm personal feelings or intense worship experiences but rather knowing God and being equipped for all of life. Faith is real when it makes a difference in our relationships, in our work and in our play. RUF is convinced that God's Word and his church are essential in this process, so we are committed to help you learn more about the Bible and to establish and develop life-changing relationships. We would love for you to be a part.


CEF Update Jan 08

Sharing the gospel message with the children of our community takes diligent preparation. Child Evangelism Fellowship® (CEF) offers numerous workshops, seminars, and courses to prepare its volunteers and others to teach God’s Word to children.

For over 65 years, CEF has been on the forefront of teacher-training techniques. Based on spiritual and educational principles, the training provides proven methods of leading children to Christ, knowledge of effective ways to disciple children in the truths of God’s Word, and ways to equip believers to begin and sustain a ministry where they live.
CEF training opportunities include:

Good News Club Workshops

These evening workshops are held throughout the year and focus on teaching techniques and lesson materials that will be used in CEF Good News Clubs. Each workshop includes:

  • Teaching Techniques
  • Demonstrations
  • Fun Songs
  • Great ideas for Visuals, Object Lessons, and Games
  • Other wonderful instructions on how to best teach children God’s Word.
Although specifically designed for Good News Club teachers, these workshops are great for anyone wanting some fresh ideas for teaching children. There is no charge to attend these workshops.

Teaching Children Effectively Course

This is a ten week, college accredited course designed to better equip anyone who teaches children. Five CEUs or 10 DSS credit hours are available through this course.
he cost is $85 and registration is required. Please call the office at 574-0236 for more information.


Boerop Update Jan 08

Our Vision
To see every local church in the world become a sending base for the Gospel of Christ so that a clear presentation and demonstration of it is available to all people.

Our Purpose
The purpose of World Thrust is to glorify God through serving as a catalyst, helping pastors and church leaders worldwide to lead their local church to embrace a more effective involvement in the evangelization of the world.

World Thrust International

Bertram Update Jan 08

Prayer Needs

Please partner with us in praying for:

- The strength and unity of our marriage as we face many decisions and changes

- The continual growth and vitality of our personal walk with the Lord

- The souls of those in Cambodia and the rest of the world who have never heard the Gospel

- Finances for our continued training and trip to Cambodia

- Clarity of communication with NTM Leadership

- That the Lord would send harvesters into the field (Matt. 9:38)

- Wisdom in the beginning to gain partners for life long ministry

- The ability to keep focused on the goal with many distractions

Kevin and Emily's Website:

Wolff Update Jan 07

Greetings from sunny beautiful Papua New Guinea,

We had a wonderful Holiday season this year with our Solong believers. It has been an awesome privilege to be with them and watch the Solong Bible teachers grow in their walks with the Lord. In the past they would teach almost word for word the Bible lessons which I prepared for them. But lately they are going beyond my lessons, studying, preparing and teaching excellent messages on their own.

Robina and I are going through some major changes right now. We are packing up and preparing for an extended “Home Assignment” in the USA. This was made possible by some recent technology advances NTM has put in place here in Papua New Guinea. They installed a satellite internet service called V-Sat at our center in Hoskins. So I now have the ability to continue working on the Bible and other translation projects from the USA over the internet with my Solong Bible teachers. This is an exciting prospect for me, because it will allow me to continue on with my work from the USA while we get our kids settled into American life and will allow Robina to complete her teaching degree which we hope to use when we head back overseas.

This new arrangement has its challenges… like teaching my Solong guys to use a computer, and the frequent visits I will still need to make to PNG to continue checking the Bible Translation with our consultants. But we are excited about the possibilities this opens up to us.


- For wisdom in all the changes we are going through

- For our children as New Guinea life is all they know and the thought of living in the USA scares them a bit.


- We recently did the final consultant check on another 1000 Bible verses. It went very well and they will soon be ready for printing.

Our plan is to return to the USA the end of March and take a short furlough before diving back into the work. If there are any conferences or special events that you would like us to come be a part of, please let us know.

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support all these years.

With Love,

Paul & Robina Wolff


Schultz Update Nov 07

Dear Trinity Pres. Church,

As we approach Thanksgiving for this year Kathy and I are grateful for many things and one of them is you. We are grateful to the Lord for your friendship, care, financial support, prayers, and overall love you show to us. You are a blessing we do not take for granted. We pray you have a wonderful Thanksgiving as we reflect on the many blessings God has given to each of us.

With gratitude and thankfulness,

George and Kathy

See where George and Kathy Minister:
Center for Intercultural Training

May Update January 7th 2008

Dear Praying Friends,

Thank you for praying for my dad. It is making a difference. The results from the EEG didn't show anything out of the ordinary. The doctor doesn't know why my dad had those three seizures, but he hasn't had any since that time. He is quite confused and depressed at this point. The doctors recommended putting him in a rehabilitation center but my siblings and mom felt that he would feel less confused at home.
He is back at home today but that means that my mom is going to need help from family and church friends, which is forthcoming. What a blessing to have the support of family and friends at a time like this! My dad is on anti-seizure medication, an anti-depressant and something to help him sleep. We'll keep you posted if there is any new developments.
Thank you again for praying with us that he won't have any more seizures and that the confusion and depression will lift.

Thankful for your prayer,

Debbie May


Cik Family Update

December 2007

“We are amazed and can’t believe how well-behaved and what strong faith Naomi (8) and Noel (7) have.” Beate’s parents remarked after visiting us in our home for six weeks. We are happy for the opportunity the Lord gave us to have this kind of witness to these Jehovah’s Witnesses.


I am daily reminded of the calling of the Lord on my life to carry the Gospel to Europe. My heart is ready to go but I know I still need more training. Sometimes I am frustrated by 2 things:

1. My ability to earn a living but unable to do this here because of immigration laws.

2. Language difficulty to comprehend and read huge amounts of material. Good job offers come from Austria and are a temptation. Why don’t I just pack up and leave? There is no place in Austria where I can receive the good training I am getting here, there is no way.

Please pray for my family and me.

This semester is done and I´m preparing for all the finals. It is in GOD’S hand that I will pass all my exams. It is such a blessing to study at the Greenville Presbyterian Seminary. My next step in my preparation:

Lord willing, I will come under the care of the Calvary Presbytery in January but that does not include financial backing.

Counseling (RBCTI) Update:

My wife and I have also finished the RBCTI counseling course for this semester. There is just one semester left for the two year program.

Blessings from our Lord:

GOD is showing us every day that He will take care of His flock. We want to thank all our supporters for your prayers and gifts. We have experienced so much grace from you all, dear brothers and sisters.


We still need 33 families or churches who would like to support us with $50 monthly so that we can stay here to finish seminary.


We are 100% financially accountable and have a budget which is managed by Pastor Dan Dodds from Woodruff Road Presbyterian Church. All our financial transactions are available for review by any supporter.

Please send any correspondence or financial support to the following address:

Woodruff Road Presbyterian Church
(for Cik family or German Reformation Project)
2519 Woodruff Road
Simpsonville SC 29681

Your servant in Christ


Contact Cik family:

Just Got Another Note from the Mackey's

The last post was an update from back in December. Today I received a new update from Chris and Ginger...Click here to see what they had to say!

For other fun and informative info about Chris and Ginger, check out these posts on their website:

Taking Care of Business

At the Park with Faith

My Cool Nephew and Mother

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Mackey Update

Much has come to our minds during all this visa process.

We're trying to get our one-year Religious Worker visas for Brazil. We were waiting for two months just to hear SOMETHING, and we are grateful to the Lord that we finally did. That message, however, was that we are not "compatible" for this visa. Hmmm.

My (Ginger) immediate thoughts were, "Well, God is at work again. We get to sit back and see what He's going to do." I often am amused when things don't work out like I have planned.

So, as of now... Click here to read the rest