Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Joel Colon Update Jan 08


Our Mission is to mobilize existing church structures and to assist the church in discipling the nations by initiating and facilitating church planting movements.

Our Goal is to see every nation filled with living communities (local churches) of God's people who have accepted their responsibility of creating multiple opportunities for every man, woman and child in that nation to be reconciled to God.

Our Primary Strategy is to identify, train, resource, and release apostolic/facilitation teams in each country of the world which are mutually accountable with us to the purpose. As described through the eyes of one of our participating church pastors, it is:

  1. To repurpose the local church around the mission mandate.
  2. To re-tool local leaders and to become facilitative and equipping (as opposed to "doing").
  3. To release and empower church members to use their gifts in the context of the mission.
  4. To reach every man, woman and child with the gospel, and integrate them into repurposed churches.
Joel's Blog: Joel Colon

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